Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry team is focused on forming high school students into disciples of Jesus Christ. Alongside the entire staff of Powers Catholic, we seek to inspire young men and women to live a life centered in faith, service, and discipleship. Our purpose is to help students deepen their personal relationship with Jesus, while also discovering how the Spirit is leading them to serve God and others. Students at Powers Catholic are offered a variety of ways to grow in both their faith and spiritual lives daily. Some of these opportunities include weekly Confession, daily Adoration, and weekly Mass. There are also occasional events, such as retreats, small group activities, and mission trips. Every student will have the opportunity to go on a grade level retreat each semester. Each retreat builds on the previous one, as the students are lead into a deeper relationship with God and with each other, are more deeply rooted in their identity, and finally use that to engage in service and mission. The Mission - Flint: The Mission is an annual retreat held during the summer in Flint. It provides an opportunity for students to serve the greater Flint area through works of mercy. This retreat also provides time to grow closer to God through talks, witnesses, Confession, Mass, and Adoration. Service Learning: Service Learning engages students in civic responsibility, critical thinking, and structured reflection by actively involving them in organized community service. This, in turn, prepares students for a lifetime of personal growth and social responsibility. Click Here for some of the service organizations that Powers Catholic students have the opportunity to serve. Kairos: Kairos is considered by many to be the pinnacle of spiritual experiences at Powers Catholic. The word Kairos means “the Lord's time.” Kairos participants hear a series of talks, participate in discussions and activities, and celebrate the Eucharist together. Participants going to this retreat should be open to entering deeper into a life of discipleship and be interested in examining their life in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Contact Campus MinistryFr. Tony Smela
Chaplain [email protected] Mr. Colton Goodman Campus Minister [email protected] Mrs. Stephanie Murphy Administrative Assistant [email protected] |
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