Kairos Retreat
Kairos is considered by many to be the pinnacle of spiritual experiences at Powers Catholic. The word Kairos means “the Lord's time.” Kairos participants hear a series of talks, participate in discussions and activities, and celebrate the Eucharist together. Participants going to this retreat should be open to entering deeper into a life of discipleship and be interested in examining their life in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We encourage all Juniors to go to this retreat!
Monday, October 14 - Wednesday, October 16, 2024
JUNIORS AND SENIORS Kairos is from Wednesday, January 29th to Friday, January 31st, 2025. |
FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES We hope to bring back Abundant Life for 25-26 school year! |
Sophomore Fall Day Retreat
The retreat day for Sophomores is on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024! On the day retreat, you'll come to school as you normally would, but instead of going to class, we'll take you off-site to spend the school day on retreat instead! (Hooray for no classes that day!) As we get closer to that date, please check back to find the permission slip and be sure to turn that in! |
Junior Spring Day Retreat
The retreat day for Seniors is on Tuesday, May 27th, 2025. On the day retreat, you'll come to school as you normally would, but instead of going to class, we'll take you off-site to spend the school day on retreat instead! (Hooray for no classes that day!) This day will be combined with the Capstone Fair. As we get closer to that date, please check back to find the permission slip and be sure to turn that in! |
Senior Spring Day Retreat
The retreat day for Seniors is on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. On the day retreat, you'll come to school as you normally would, but instead of going to class, we'll take you off-site to spend the school day on retreat instead! (Hooray for no classes that day!) As we get closer to that date, please check back to find the permission slip and be sure to turn that in! |