He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature". - Mark 16:15
The Faith in Flint initiative is call of action spearheaded by Father Tom Firestone and supported by numerous Flint parishes, Catholic Charities of Flint, St. Luke's New Life Center, Powers Catholic High School, and Christ the King Parish (Ann Arbor).
Faith in Flint is the individual call to discipleship and is driven by volunteers who serve the most challenged of communities by offering prayer, basic needs, and even transitional housing to residents. Faith in Flint brings hope and the salvation of Christ directly to the people of Flint suffering the most.
The Powers Catholic UNICEF Club is collecting funding to support clean water for eastside Flint residents who do not otherwise have the necessary funding to repair the extensive damage done to their own homes during the Flint Water Crisis. Your support of their efforts will provide bottled water to residents who are still without clean water, even as municipal pipes have been repaired.
THANK YOU for supporting the Powers Catholic UNICEF Club's work and most importantly, for helping them to shine the light in Flint!